- A dark-bearded man with golden eyes flickers into existence, seemingly out of nothing, as you walk in the entrance of the S.G. base. You think to yourself this must be a hologram and then he says:

“Greetings hero, Welcome to our Supergroup Base, I hope you consider it your home very soon! We have some unique systems we use in the Supergroup, so I have been developed to be your initial guide…"
**The holographic image flickers out for the briefest of moments and returns with the same emotionless face**
"If you have already been through the on-boarding process - you don't need to worry about this section of the website. Just move on to the members/forums/blog sections and enjoy yourselves."
**A flashing button appears before you that says "NEW MEMBER" -
it's as if you are viewing something in augmented reality**
"If you are going through the onboarding process please click this link or the button below."